This is my cat, Pretty. I got her in early August of 1996. She's about 4 years old now and pretty lazy, too. Pretty's a silver tabby and, other that her IIAMS for Inactive Cats, will ONLY eat Tarter Control kitty treats. Anything else, she just looks at and then turns her nose up and walks away. |
These guys are Pride, Scruffy, and Runaway. Runaway and Scruffy are the two tortoiseshells, and the black one is Pride. I'm fostering the three of them for VAP (Volunteers for Animal Protection). Scruffy and Runaway got adopted, but I still have Pride. |
This is Pride. She's about 5 and a half months old now, but we got her when she was about 5 weeks old. She was found in as apartment complex that was under construction with three other siblings and her mother. Her mother and one kitten got away, but we got to foster the other three. Like I said earlier, Scruffy and Runaway already got adopted. Pride's favorite toy is a rabbit's foot that is currently lost (again) somewhere in the house. She was just been adopted on September 25. |